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Showing posts from December, 2012

English lessons

Boring with a stick. Прямой перевод из словаря "скучно с палкой". Из контекста это "бурение с помощью палки". Действительно, разве с палкой может быть скучно?

Readings - Anthropology

Have started reading a book "Primitive Culture" by Edward Burnett Tylor: It's a serious book from one of the founders of social anthropology. Very interesting and helps understanding many aspects of human culture development.

Art Gallery of NSW - Report 4

Report 1 Report 2 Report 3 01. 02.  03.  04. "Sunday evening" by Russell Drysdale 05. "Archaeopteryx" by Eric Thake 06.  07.  08. "Dawnbreakers" by Herbert McClintock 09. "No 35 Madame Sophie Sesostoris (a pre-Raphaelite satire)" by James Gleeson and Robert Klippel 10.  11.  12. "Toinette: by George Bell 13.